A Little Off The Top---Please (part 2)

Thanks for taking the time to include us on you journey so far.
I can hardly wait for the next chapter to begin!
So Bob......I will bring this old thread to the top and ask for an update.....

Please !!!!:) ( it has been 2 1/2 years ...)
Being a Johnny come lately I missed this thread completely . Very nice job on the chop. What's the deal on silica sand being against the law? Certainly not here in Alberta . At least not that I know of.


Remember, for every mile of road there's 2 miles of ditches
they say silica sand is a health hazard--ground glass is suppose to be ok--I will do an update on this build soon--been busy plugging along and am finally at the mud stage and it's looking good--engine is back from machine shop and waiting to be put together but I'll wait till the dust clears:D
Silica is bad shit for your lungs, ground glass is Horrible stuff. Used both. Black gold(copper slag) works well but is pretty rough. Walnut shell works very well and is much easier on sheet metal.

We use recycled plastic at work and it is beautiful but won't touch rust. But strips paint great. Glass beads work well but like plastic need to be contained as they make a hell of a mess.

Just wanted to bring this thread forward to remind us how much work slicin' & dicin' has gone into this project. Fastback 4 door has to be one of the most challenging chops to pull off and have the final lines look as good as this one does. (Admin, can it be moved to the General list?)
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Just wanted to bring this thread forward to remind us how much work slicin' & dicin' has gone into this project. Fastback 4 door has to be one of the most challenging chops to pull off and have the final lines look as good as this one does. (Admin, can it be moved to the General list?)

See the following link in Projects:General for an update: