Chroming Shops

Shop "B" is out inMission. It sounds like they have been in business for awhile.

Most of the chrome shops seem to do industrial hard chrome plating, which is nothing like the bright chrome we seek for our small bits and pieces.

Probably because that is the vast majority of demand for chrome that is left. Now that most vehicles don't have much if any chrome on them there is probably not a huge demand for "decorative" plating anymore.
We were due to go to the coast several days ago, but the weather was somewhat prohibitive. We'll be there some time before xmas.

Anyway, #2 son sent me a pic of the flying lady, which he picked up from the plater, and all in all I'd say it looks pretty good.

When we took it in, it was quite badly pitted is, after all, only pot metal. So there was some restorative work done.

For whatever reason, every time the boys email me pics, I can't manage to get them transferred over to photochuckit. So a photo of the old girl, she's 83 now, will appear after I get back from the next trip. That may not be for a couple of weeks now.
every time the boys email me pics, I can't manage to get them transferred over to photochuckit.

Probably your Mac but;

....sometimes I have pics that must be a different file format or some techno-crap and as I do have to downsize large/big picture files using PIXresier (free download) I have used PIXresier to make a new picture file but not make it smaller and seems to change the format and then will copy/print?

.........but only Justin and the Donald really know! (Worlds smartest men, just ask them) :rolleyes:
No. 2 son builds his own blindingly fast computers. Has been doing so for almost 30 years. I can't seem to copy anything that he sends, for all I know he has some special encryption that he uses.

So I just have to wait until I get my own pics. Works for me.

.........but only Justin and the Donald really know! (Worlds smartest men, just ask them)

Ray...really? And all this time I thought it was you and me!!!! :D
I was due to go down there at Christmas, but health issues put a stop to that.

Now going to try again tomorrow, the missus has an MRI appointment early Saturday morning in New West.

We had over 6" of new snow overnight and today, just hoping that the Coke is open tomorrow morning when we leave here.

I'll try to get some pics then.
I was due to go down there at Christmas, but health issues put a stop to that.

Now going to try again tomorrow, the missus has an MRI appointment early Saturday morning in New West.

We had over 6" of new snow overnight and today, just hoping that the Coke is open tomorrow morning when we leave here.

I'll try to get some pics then.

Awesome thanks hope your health has improved!
Thanks K13, we both got some sort of stomach virus, now gone.

OK, here's a pic I took of the Winged Lady, unfortunately it didn't come out worth a damn. Took it inside in a dark room.

The original condition was terrible compared to how it is now, and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out.

The name of the shop is Dependable Plating, 3960 Charles street, Burnaby. Tel: 604-291-2611.

I did not pick the item up myself, my boys did. They also asked about getting wheels chromed, and the owner said the only place he knows that does a good job of that is in California. Apparently, there is special equipment needed for that.

However, these guys do bumpers and roll cage pieces which most others do not do. So, for what it's worth I will say that I will use them again. They did what I consider to be a decent job on a difficult item, delivered on time and at the right price.

A google search will show up reviews.