A Little Off The Top---Please

Seeing how guys band together to get a job done,makes me wonder if I'm living in the wrong part of the province! Beautiful work guys! Some serious talent there!
like Daryl said no problem---Wayne thought we should leave it and put a fin on it--hahahaha:D
well cmon bud where's the pics of where you guy's ended up Bob no time to become secretive now eh!!
The pix on page 7 (day 4) is where we stopped after a lesson on using the shrinking disc (passenger side) before everyone left for home at noon. The rest of the afternoon was spent vacuuming up metal and getting ready to go back to work at my 'paying' job. Have ordered my own shrinking disc so the drivers side will have to wait till it gets delivered. I'll definitely keep the pix coming as it progresses but it will be slow now that I'm down to a one man operation...me. lol
After looking at the article in streetrodder mag on them chopping a shoebox. You see what an artis Tinman is. What a butcher job on that shoe. Looks like they welded it with coathangers.
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I agree... I know exactly how I would have a shoebox look if I was to do one... big prerequisite would be TINMAN doing the metal... he's the man!
... wow cool thread!! ... Mr Hunter you have one fine lookin automobile there I'd say and what a great job and effort from Tinn and 'the gang' ... first class all the way!!:D
I agree... I know exactly how I would have a shoebox look if I was to do one... big prerequisite would be TINMAN doing the metal... he's the man!

Good thing he has double doors to get his swole head through at work! Way to go guys, now he'll be unbearable!!:D

I have to agree tho, but don't tell him.
Bob, how has this project progressed since then? After the Sunchaser course, i thought we would have seen more updates.
You guys need to re-group and help Bob finish this.

This is the kind of "camaroderie" that made this site so great, but we have gone through a rough patch lately. Things have settled down now, and i sure would like to see this warmth amoungst members carry on again.
i'm in for a work party....i feel guilty leaving all the tedious small hard stuff...
I have been picking away at it--slowly as life gets in the way sometimes--everything is finish welded up to the rear doors--had a small problem with alignment to body on the left rear door but have that solved now--got the right rear door top fitted and tacked in place--left rear is almost ready for welding--nice smooth curve on window opening--no dogleg or flat area where the vent window use to be--can't post pictures for a few days since the computer went to the fix it shop with the flue

Garrett--if you take your dolley and spray a bit of dye on it then block lightly with fine sandpaper you will see the highs and lows--we used 9" sanding discs on grinder--100grit to start--rechecking with dye--eventually ending at 320--get rid of sharp edges also--takes patience--and a lite touch--

the Sunchaser course has already paid off in teaching me to be patient and go with lite touch and plan before I start smacking--will really pay off on the roof and trunk--have the Olds grill to mould in once the fenders are back on-- the pot is always on if anyone wants to come over--we did have a blast didn't we--:D

will post pictures when my computer gets back-- hopefully soon:(
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bct--don't ever feel guilty for the tedious stuff left--I'm still amazed every time I go out to the shop at how much was done in 3 1/2 days --I find the stuff I'm doing fun cause I know it will have "the right look" when done--I had the vision and you all brought it together:D