New Trunk Hinges
Text and photos by Bob Klowak

After making the power arm to lift the trunk, the hinges just didn't look right. You guessed it. Well we just couldn't sit by so off to the metal mart and picked up a chunk of ½" 6061 aluminum.

The entire piece was painted blue and when dried the hinge was scribed out and the cutting began.

We laid the rough cut hinged beside the original one to compare and then drilled a pivot hole. When we were happy with the look and clearance sanding continued.

The second hinge was cut out and the two were clamped together and were sanded together to match. After that two base plates were cut , matching holes were drilled.

Three matching holes were drilled and tapped in the hinge arms to match the base plates. They then were tapped to ¼ - 24 threads per inch.

The base plate was then drilled to countersink the three Allen bolts deep enough to keep the heads flush with the surface. Four holes were drilled to accommodate again the same size Allen bolts to mount to the trunk lid.
Well they look a lot better than the original hinges. When swapping the hinges it was very important to scribe marks of the old hinge and new hinge on the lid. Old centerlines of the two boltholes were scribed as references. By placing a long bolt through the old and new hinge it gave me new reference points for the new hinges. Once in the right place the four new holes were drilled and tapped. Remember measure 3 times drill once.
The hinges were mounted on the trunk lid. The lid was placed down on the body and from the inside of the cab two original bolts were put back. Washers were used as spacers to center the lid. Accuracy was important on mounting the new hinges because no adjustment of the base plate can be done for the steel plate in this trunk lid was glassed in and fixed. If a plate were movable then there would be adjustment. I guess I was pretty lucky and got it right on. Now I'm happy with the look. Boy I saw some bigger chunks of aluminum at the metal mart. I wander what else I can make. I love this stuff. It cuts easy and sands and polishes easy and stands up well and is very strong.
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