Removing anodizing


Active Member
I know this was on the old board, but I dern well can't remember what was said was best for removing anodizing from aluminum. Can you guys help refresh my memory? Please :confused:

Someone told me once you could use oven cleaner(like easy off) to remove anodizing-I don't know what that does to the aluminum.
Russ, it seemed that using a soft brass wire wheel on your bench grinder worked the best
The oven cleaner - at least for me - leaves ugly black stains.
Thanks guys, I am going to polish the aluminum after it is stripped. Sanding takes way too long.

I'd be hesitant to use oven cleaner. Try this on a piece of scrap if you have some. Any GM from the same era would be the same composition. I used aircraft stripper and some 600 1000 1500 before polishing. Turned out pretty good. The only down side is now you have to KEEP polishing. Zip seal should work after a good polish.