Progress Update 5 - July 20 2020

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Well-Known Member
So, I got up early and decided to run a TEST import of the existing database into a new, empty, database.

After what seemed like a very long, and after staring at a zillion messages flying by, the process completed. And, for the most part, it appears to have been successful - with a few blips.

e.g. if you have "friends" here, that gets messed up as the new software has a "follower" system. More on that another time.

I'm going to provide a link to web page showing an IMAGE of the imported data (don't be tempted to try to click anything as it's just a screenshot).

What you will be looking at is a default version of the software - colourwise, etc. - NOT how it will be when we go into production.

Also, it's based on a backup I did on June 25 so it will appear dated. However, you'll notice in the sidebar that 15,046 threads and 204,668 "messages" (posts) were imported.

I haven't played any further but will be in the days ahead to get an understanding of the Administration sub-system as that is what I will be using to set things up and plan for next steps.

You'll notice in the upper right that it shows that I am logged in and also in the sidebar under "Members Online".

Have a look HERE
Thanks Keith. As I said, it won't look that way once we convert.

I will be working on customizing a theme to something more recognizable to the CR "brand" so-to-speak.

I will also implement the ability to choose a desired width: that is, depending on monitor size, you could choose narrow or wide.

And, unlike this forum, the theme I will implement will be friendly across devices: monitor, laptop, tablet, smartphone.

Lots of work to do yet.
Thanks Frank. Whatever the format is I’m sure we will get used to it.
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Nice work Frank. I'm in awe of anyone who can fix something without using a bloody big hammer.
Nice work Frank. I'm in awe of anyone who can fix something without using a bloody big hammer.

If you are using a "bloody big hammer", you must be trying to fix marital problems. :eek::roll eyes:. Sorry, couldn't resist. Been watching too much "forensic files" lately I guess.
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