Olympic Swim Pre trials.....Tinn's daughter


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Tonight on CBC at 7:30 PST.

I'll be rootin for Katie:)

(hopefully they show her)
Thanks Keith. Last night's coverage was only half an hour. They showed the finals of 100 M Mens' Breaststroke, 100 M Womens' Butterfly and Mens' 400 Freestyle. Katie swam 400 M Individual Medley yesterday but didn't do well. Preliminary heats might never be seen. Today she was swimming 100 M Breaststroke. Typically its her second best event. Fingers crossed. By the way, she's only 15 so her odds of making the team are pretty slim, but the experience is great. In four years from now when she's 19.............. just wait............
That's unreal at her age getting to the trials Daryl, at 15 as you say there is a brilliant experience for her. I couldn't even swim across a pool now days let alone a 400 metre even. It's good to see the kids being involved in sprt like that.

You never know they might take her for the experience if she is close to the times, here's hopeing she gets up there. It would be nice if I could cheer her if she gets there.

All the best, John
Hay John in Oz, hows the latest Aussie Olympic swimmer hopeful, Nick D'Arcy... may be out of the squad in less than a week for fisty-cuffs... what a loud mouth, tooting his own horn!!!:eek:
Great stuff Tinn.
I'd check it out, but 7:30 PST is 11:30 AST and way past my bedtime. Will have to wait and hear about the results tomorrow.
Best of luck to her.
I hear the wife is running out of buttons to sew on your shirts.
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Tinn....I sure hope that chest don't get any bigger....Go Katie go....Go Katie go....Fingers crossed for her to luck out..make this years team and the two after that,,,Go Katie go....your a good Dad,....and Mom ain't to shabby either..I'd like to be a fly on the wall when yer watchin the TV tonight...edge of the seat....
I just checked the prelim results on the Swim BC website. Katie came 50th out of 92 swimmers in the 100 M Breaststroke. She bettered her personal best time by 1.5 seconds. The swimmer who finished first is a 24 year old BC phenom clocking a 1:06, Katie was 10 seconds slower. Still too damn proud.
So is that it then Daryl ? Is Katie out of the running ?
Got to give credit to the 15 yr. old for an honest go at it, well done, 50 out of 92.
Tin when you think of all the thousands of kids out there tring you have a right to be proud and so does she. She is a winner just for being there.

C'ya, JT
Geezzz.. Tinn. She did well. Like you said, she's young, but the experience she is getting is great. You all must be pretty darn proud of her. Good for all of you. Mighty fine Tin, mighty fine.

All the best!!!! Aero
In a sport measured to the 1/100 of a second, beating your personal best by 1 1/2 seconds is absolutely great. Conratulations an a great effort. Scott
So is that it then Daryl ? Is Katie out of the running ?
Got to give credit to the 15 yr. old for an honest go at it, well done, 50 out of 92.

If I remember correctly, she has 5 event swims. So far she's done 2. She has 3 more chances. When you consider that the average age for world class swimmers is mid twenties, she's doing exceptionally. I'm astounded at B.C.'s representation on the Olympic team thus far.
I just checked the prelim results on the Swim BC website. Katie came 50th out of 92 swimmers in the 100 M Breaststroke. She bettered her personal best time by 1.5 seconds. The swimmer who finished first is a 24 year old BC phenom clocking a 1:06, Katie was 10 seconds slower. Still too damn proud.

Hey Tin congrats to your daughter on her results..At that age to be at that level is an amazing accomplishment..

At 41 I don't think I could even swim 100 M...let alone breaststroke....I do hold a record for consecutive rum and coke's on a floating lounger...:D

At 59, i couldn't even swim out to the floating lounger that holds the rum and cokes!!

Be proud Tinn,just wait till she is older and more experienced. She may beat them all by then. Maybe offer the 3-w as first prize. Then watch her fly!
Tin it's nice to see parents doing all that for the youngens. we put ours in lots of things hockey,swimming,ty kwon do gymnastics and it was fun for me an the little lady as well sure wish they'd stayed in it

I'm so happy for you, you did well, wish her the best and tell her we're all rooting for her!