Matte Paint Detailer


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Black Betty is covered in a satin black one-stage paint.

For some time, I've been using Adams Detailer Spray as it has no wax in it like others detail sprays (i.e. Mothers).
It also can be used as a waterless car wash for dust and light dirt.
However, they have change the formulation and it's now more for shiny paint as it now contains a small amount of wax.

Many Muscle cars (new and old) have matte black hoods to , or other parts and stripes plus, one can buy a brand new vehicle in an all matte finish.
The last thing one would want is shiny matte/satin paint.

Hence I've been searching for a no-wax spray detailer for matte or satin paint.
A small thread on another forum started this search.

There are a few products that have been formulated for a matte/satin paint finish:

Adams Polishes now makes a detailer for matte/satin paint and has no wax in it.
Adams Matte Detailer (new product) which comes in a 16 oz. spray bottle or in a one gallon jug used to refill the spray bottle.
Adams also sells a Matte Protectant sealer (again a new product) in a 16 oz bottle which also is good for vinyl wrapped cars.
It seals the paint but has no wax in it.
Will now be stocked by Classic Performance in N.E. Calgary in the early Spring 2018.
(I placed an order for it and they have now considered stocking it too)
O Canadian pricing yet but US prices are:
Matte Detailer in 16 oz spray bottle = $13USD
Mate Detailer in one US gallon jug = $50USD
Matte Protectant in 16 oz bottle = $20USD
Matte Finish basic kit, includes both of the above 16 oz bottles plus 2 micro fibres towels and application pad= $50

Another product is Rats Wax, made in the USA.
It's available in a 16 oz. spray bottle.
Manufacturer also has a wash soap for these paints.
No shine car soap = $20CDN,
No shine detailer spray 16 oz bottle = $22CDN
Note:There is a Canadian distributor based in Red Deer (Alberta) but is only available on-line (
If one lives in Red Deer, then they will deliver for a small fee.

One other by Harley Davidson, the motorcycle people who
Now have cleaner as they also have bikes with matte or satin paint.
This is available at all HD dealers.
Denim Paint Cleaner 16 oz spray bottle Part number 93600064; US price is $9

There are YouTube videos on two of these products.

Rats Wax:

One more product:
Chemical Guys Meticulous Matte Detailer
Manufacturer/on-line seller based in So-Cal
16 oz spray bottle = $14USD
1 US gallon jug = $40USD
Complete Matte kit (wash, detailer & sealer/protectant) = $50USD
YouTube video: (has a commercial at the beginning)
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Good information, thanks for sharing your efforts Brian.
It would be good to hear anyone's comments after trying one or more of these products.