Cars we drove.

Reminds me of some old 35mm film I have from the late 40's early 50's of circle track racing, no sound, just the clicking of the movie projector. The 35 film was deteriorating so I saved it to camcorder tape.
Pretty cool stuff, old 30's / 40's cars, circle track, dust, crashes.
One part of the footage a wheel goes rolling past the grandstands as the race continues on. At the end of the race day, which seemed to be a tradition, they'd wreck a couple cars by laying a telephone pole across the track and deliberately driving into it, either tearing the front ends off or flipping the cars on to their roofs. I think I'm going to look into burning it to DVD and posting it on UTube, should be interesting. I'll need to buy Firewire Hardware and install it on my computer to do this.
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I've been hooked on Bonneville for years and your post got the blood flowing again.... Thanks