Thanks for posting the links Mike.

Seems nobody got the backside of that Merc. There was a glimpse of it somewhat in one of the shots.
Thanks Mike.....great photos....the best ones are coming and going.......:)
Outstanding coverage.We(Jay,Brandon and myself) are still stunned at the fact that Susan and you came out to our show!!!! That s a helluva long way.I must say.. if all hotrodders had spouse like yours… the road would be smooth sailing.She is a great gal!

We would like to extend our invitation to ALL fellow Canadian traditional minded hotrod and custom folks to possible think about coming to the Jalopy Jam Up next year.August 2016.Hard dates have not been firmed up as of yet but rumour has it possibly 3rd week in August.(This will free up some folks returning from Bonneville..if Bonneville ever happen again:confused:)
Well.. at Anyrate we extend an invitation from coast to coast.
We also want thank again Canadian Rodder for allowing us the space to promote our little show……
Thanks to ALL who believed in us and see ya next year.

Jay,Brandon and Jeff
Thanks for the photos guys, a great run to attend by the look of it, very nice rides there and neat location for it also.
Outstanding coverage.We(Jay,Brandon and myself) are still stunned at the fact that Susan and you came out to our show!!!! That s a helluva long way.I must say.. if all hotrodders had spouse like yours… the road would be smooth sailing.She is a great gal!

She is indeed.
VERY cool story. I love the ashes in the oil filter :D
thanks for sharing
Mike and Susan returned to Calgary on the Wed night of the last Grey Eagal Show and Shine.
The rad was covered with various bugs (big ones!) and the rear white walls were black from the exhaust.

But they both had HUGE smiles!!
What a great show. This was the best show of the season. We did not bring a car but had the opportunity to vend at the event. I have a couple of builds underway for next year.