Question About The Migration Process

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Well-Known Member
One of the people who sent an email with their surname asked:

Will we all of a sudden one day see a new format for this forum?
Answer: No. "It won't be all of a sudden"

Here's the process the way I am projecting it to unfold.

I have to:

- Purchase the software license
- Download the latest version of the software
- Install the software at the hosting site
- Acquire the converter add-on (used to convert from a vBulletin database)
- Do some cleanup on this database (I MAY "prune" some users who have never posted in, let's say, the last 5 years - still thinking about that. Meaning their post count is zero since registration and they registered 5 years or more ago.). A few other things need attention.
- When this is done, I will run a full backup of the database (where all the data is stored)
- Attempt the conversion on the production database (while keeping the forum as is). This will hopefully provide me with a testing site to see how well the data converted.
- Assuming the data conversion was acceptable, I would then create a new database and do another conversion at which time I would close this version so no further updates are made.
- If all goes well, I would re-direct the site address to view the new version.

While this version of the forum is down for that final step, I may set up a page on the main Canadian Rodder web site where you can check progress.

There is a ton of work to make this change and it will not be overnight or "all of a sudden". However, one step at a time.

Sorry if this sounds all too techy but thought you might be interested.
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