Kelowna garage tour2010

cndwillyg, go to the first page of this site and look near the bottom for "about photos". Self explanitory.

Good to see

Man good to see the old club is still going strong after all these years. I was a 14 year mamber of the Kelowna Kustoms. Thats where I learned how to build them right. That club is #1 still in my books. Good to see old Derwood, and B. Woods to boot. I didnt see Fergie in there. Peace all you customs T- bone AKA junkyard dog.
cndwillyg, go to the first page of this site and look near the bottom for "about photos". Self explanitory.


Thanks Carl. I need to take more time and READ! No I'd rather play!
I was hoping to see links to all the different projects that guy's are working on and their pics.
Thanks again worked well.