Brampton Cars and Stars car show


Well-Known Member
A pretty good show with maybe about 200 or so cars parked in downtown Brampton. I got there about 12:45 p.m. as it was a last minute decision to go. I was in the parade to downtown to park in about 15 minutes after i got there. So it was a short wait. It was one hell of a hot day but very enjoyable with many different cars and a few that i had never seen before.

The one thing i did find about Brampton was that there is a lot of a$$hole$ on the road driving around that should not be driving. Yapping on cell phones when driving, running red lights, cutting off drivers. Not knowing how a 4-way stop works. I have not been to Brampton in many years, it has really changed. Good car show................. bad drivers and this is coming from someone who lives in Mississauga where the drivers are no hell either.:D

Not trying to offend anyone just making an observation.