Sunday July 25 - Deuce Day
As I had been told that the cars would be arriving early, I was up with the birds as I wanted to get as many photos as possible before the crowds descended. As it turned out, it was a good strategy. When I arrived at the inner harbour (Government and Belleville Sts.) just after 6:00 a.m., the cars were starting to arrive. Designated parking for the 32's was on Belleville in front of the legislature and included the large semi-circular legislature driveway. Non-32's were being parked on Government in front of the Empress Hotel. Without spectators and the mandatory Victoria tourists, it made the photo shoot a breeze. It also gave me an opportunity to say hi to the owners and get a good look at the cars. It was beautiful morning weather wise - another perfect day.

With a bag of photos in hand, I returned to the hotel to pick up Judy and grab some breakie. By the time we got back downtown, it had filled out substantially and by noon it was packed. The setting couldn't have been better. As all the cars had arrived, we made the rounds again.

Follow the link below to the slide show of Sunday's festivities. After your'e done, return to this page and follow the "Next Page >>" link below for additional coverage.